Friday, July 10, 2009

Night Night

Ever since I'm pregnant with no.3, I've been sleeping with Gerrard in the master bed room, hubby will sleep with Belle in her room, reason being, due to my real bad morning sickness condition, I cant sleep at night, I need to make myself really tired, by the time I sleep, it's almost 2-3am, so I wake up very late in the morning too, almost 11am.

However, I still go to bed with Gerrard every night at 9pm, after his last feed, I'll off all the lights, then he'll start his counting routine, start asking 'Daddy ?', waiting for me to give him the answer, 'Er ?', 'Mummy?', 'Jojo?'....After a few rounds of counting, he'll then say 'Night Night'. My cute little boy, I love you boy !!

Two nights ago, I was amazed by his counting, he was saying 'Daddy, mummy, Er, Jojo, 'memei''when I asked him who meimei is, he pointed my belly...Ohh boy, u wanted a younger sister ?!!!

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