I've been telling myself that I have to note down birth stories of my 3 kids, before I forgot ( Been forgeting little by little, blame it to the pain killer taken during labour).
Let's start with Lucas's. It's 2 more weeks to due date, I started working from home due to the inconveniences of driving to work ( For your info, I drive 90km everyday to/ fr office). I went for my weekly check up @Subang Specialist in the evening, with hubby & 2 little ones. Doc performed a check 'under'. ANd he said it's 3cm dilated ( last week was 2cm) & kept on emphasizing that it's going to be very 'SOON'. Since my elder 2 wasn't delivered closed to EDD, so I thought it's the same this time around. However, doc suggested to go for induction if there isn't any sign within these 2 days. He even booked me a labour room on Friday 15.01.2010.
So I thought, well, if there's no signs for the next 2 days n if I'm not comfortable with induction, I can always call in to make cancellation right.
Off we went to Kuchai Lama to meet up with 2 of my close friends for dinner. This is what we'd for dinner, Alaska Crab. Believe me, it's really HUGE !!! And best of all, it's super yummy, & expensive too. Thanks Sam for the dinner !!
During the dinner, I started to feel mild contraction on and off, however, it's norm as doc has performed the check just now. I was warned that there might be 'Show' too. So I cant care much, continue eating like normal.
Only towards end of dinner, just before dessert was served, I remember, it's 8pm. I started to monitor the contraction, it's quite a regular one, every 5 mins. Then I started to alarm hubby and friends, that I might be in labour !! Everyone got so excited !!
Without delaying, I gave mum a call, told her I'll be sending the 2 elder kids to her. Off, we drove to mum's house & I even took a shower before admitting.
Contraction has been very regular, 5 mins. I started to medidate while on the way, but it's so hard to concentrate !! Imagine, I'll be seeing my baby soon...a long & suffer waiting !
@9.30pm, in the labour ward, after all the checking & monitoring, blah blah blah....I was told that doc wont be coming in, I shall 'enjoy' my contraction till it's time to deliver !
I thought 'Well, I'm going to have a natural birth this time, no painkiller, no epidurial !'.
@12-6am:Contraction comes n goes. After awhile, it becomes irregular, less pain. I cant sleep, so I walked around the room while hubby was already in his 'lalaland' after he's back from supper. Contraction is so mild yet it's enough to wake me up each time it comes. Didn't really sleep well, coz midwife did come in to check the dilation.
@8.30am, doc came in and broke the water bag. and I was told not to get down from the bed. Contraction has become stronger by then, but still, it's not that 'Strong'. I started to practised 'hypnobirthing'. Keep my mind occupied with all the happy moments, beautiful baby faces..it helps though not 100%, but at least keeps my mind busy.
@11am, can you believe I' already in 15 hours labour, still no show of baby coming out soon, only 4-5 cm dilated. Doc suggested to put me on drip, means induction !! Ohh no, not so 'natural' birth ya, no choice, coz it may create stress to the baby if the labour is too long.
@12.05pm, doc came in and checked, he said 'Very soon, 8-9cm dilated'. The pain was unbearable that I finally opted for Oxygen.
@12.25pm, While I was screaming in pain, I knew it's time to meet my miracle baby. I told hubby that I'm going to 'push'. He pressed the bell, so the midwife came in and checked. Yeap, it's fully dilated & asked me NOT TO PUSH. I was so pain that I can hold it anymore. Guess what she did, she closed my leg, let me lie down on my back again, while waiting for doc to arrive. OMG, I cant believe she did that to me. I was so pain that I was so restless to argue with her.
Doc came and then start the pushing again. I think it's either I do not know how to push or baby was so stubborn, doc performed a vacuum after 2 contractions. At that time, I cant care much as long as my baby is out and safe !!
@12.30pm, my miracle baby Lucas is born, weighted at 3.56kg.
Doc performed a check on his neck and back to confirm if paed needs to be in immediately. Tks God, doc told me it's not necessary, nothign seems to be 'abnormal'. Midwife carried the baby to me, Ohh, my beautiful baby, I fall in love with him immediately !!
Baby was sent to nursery while hubby follows the midwife coz there'll be forms to fill in.
After stitches, I was left in the labour ward for 2 hours. Guess what, I was so tired & hungry. For the past 2 labours, I 'KO' immediately after I said Hello to my baby. But this round, I was still pretty alert, I can even asked doc to take a pic together with him. I remember scolded the midwife for pressing too hard to get the blood out, it's so painnnnn....!! I was so hungry that I told the midwife that I want a milo.
To be continue...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
13 Jul 2010
Today, marked another milestone for my miracle baby, Lucas. 13.07.2010, Lucas boy turns 6 months old today, yeahh !!

He's 7+kg last measured(5 mths), by now, should be around 9+kg.
Baby Lucas is such a happy baby, never fails to make me smile.
He likes raising his hands when he sees me, wanting a hug.
So far, he's the easiest to take care among 3. He can be left on the cot after he wakes up in the morning, plays with toys, while waiting for daddy and mummy to dress up to work.
Whenever I carry him from the cot, he'll return me the sweetest smile of all !!
We went to Chili's, Empire Shopping Gallery to celebrate baby 6mths old and also to mark mummy successfully breastfeed for 6 months, fully breastmilk. Intend to breastfeed baby as long as I can. Hope I can break my last record, 2 years & 3 months !!
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